The game takes place concurrently with season 1 of Game of Thrones, and switches between two characters, Alester Sarwyck and Mors Westford. Alester, a knight, was the heir to Sarwyck, a lordly house under Lannister, but had fled to Essos 15 years before, being traumatized by an unspecified event at the end of Robert’s Rebellion. During that time, he became a priest of R’hllor. He returns to River spring, his home, after hearing of his father’s death. In the story, Mors Westford is one of the best rangers of the Night’s Watch, and prior to that, he was one of the best knights serving House Lannister. Near the end of Robert’s Rebellion, he refused a direct order to kill Elia Martell and her two infants, thereby putting his family’s lives in danger. He sent his wife and daughter into hiding and was persuaded to join the Night’s Watch to avoid execution. Mors is also a skin-changer and has a dog that he can control at will. Summary:- We hope you got all the information about the Game of Thrones PS3 game. Feel free to leave your feedback in the comment section. Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay connected with us.