Scrap Mechanic Free Download

PLEASE NOTE: We’re still hard at work on Scrap Mechanic! New content is being added and optimizations being made regularly. Get started right away in Survival Mode, Creative Mode and Challenge Mode Please watch the latest Scrap Mechanic trailers to see the game’s latest state. Tool up and enter the creative paradise of Scrap Mechanic! Build fantastic machines, go on adventures with your friends and defend against evil Farmerbots in this imaginative multiplayer survival sandbox. With Scrap Mechanic’s powerful creation tools you can engineer your own adventures ‘Be a robot mechanic’, they said.

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Easy money’, they said. We’re pretty sure the job description didn’t mention crash landing on a far away planet, with thousands of crazed worker robots out for blood! You’re stranded on a faraway agriculture planet where the Farmbots working the fields have gone haywire. Forts With your tool belt tightly fastened, there’s only one way to survive: using your quick thinking, creativity and a wily knack of turning your surroundings to your advantage In Survival Mode mechanics explore a dynamically generated open-world environment filled with enemies, treasure and dangerous robots Team up with friends and build bases to protect yourself and your valuables. The most creative will survive


You are a mechanic who specializes in maintaining robots. You have been sent to a fully automated agriculture planet that supplies food to the metropolitan planets with the task of looking after their Robots. Close to touchdown your spacecraft loses control and crashes, leaving you as a survivor. You’re stranded though, and at first glance you find that not everything’s quite as it should be. The Farmbots working the fields have become hostile. It is your goal to stay alive: using your quick thinking, creativity, and the environment to your advantage